You will have come across the word ''NIE'' many times during your quest to gather information about the emigrate to SpainThe NIE number, or the Número de Identificación de Extranjeros is an identification number for foreigners in Spain. You can compare it to the Dutch citizen service number. It is a unique and personal number that the police in Spain assigns to foreign residents and you need this number in Spain for many things.
Identificación de extranjeros
It is not necessarily required by law to apply for a Spanish NIE number, but since it is literally requested everywhere and especially at official institutions, so for official acts, it is wise to have a NIE number as a foreigner. People often think: do I really need a NIE? But you also need this personal identification number at a Spanish bank, for example, when opening a Spanish bank account. In short, for a normal life in Spain you simply need a Spanish NIE number.
If you are staying in Spain for a holiday, it is of course not necessary, but if you are going to stay in Spain for more than three months, it is useful to have a NIE number. Furthermore, it is also necessary for disconnecting gas/water/electricity or even an internet provider will ask for it. This number is also stated on all documents that you receive in Spain or applications that you may submit later.
Documento Nacional de Identidad
The Spaniards themselves have a Documento Nacional de Identidad DNI, so a Spanish ID card with their number on it. Only that number is called the Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF). A kind of fiscal identification number in Spain, but at the same time also a normal identification number. In Spanish also called número de identificatión.
Please note that the NIE number is not a valid identity document. You must have your Dutch passport or identity card with you at all times in Spain.
Residence map
As we explained earlier, you will automatically receive a NIE number when you apply for your residence card or, your green card. But sometimes it is the case that people first want to browse around in Spain for 3 months. Or they want to buy a house in Spain in advance or open a Spanish bank account. Or maybe they are not going to register as a resident, but are only there to work or study for a longer period of time. In all these cases you have to arrange your NIE number application yourself.
NIE number at the Spanish consulate/Spanish embassy in the Netherlands
You can even apply for your NIE in the Netherlands at the Spanish embassy/consulate. Then you don't have to do this in Spain anymore. Only it is true that this can take a very long time and it is better if you already know that you are going to register in Spain to wait until you get your green card, because then you will also automatically get a NIE.
Apply for a NIE number from the Spanish police
You can apply for your NIE in Spain at the Comisaría del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (CNP) or, the national police. This must be in the municipality where you are going to settle. You must EX15 form and bring 2 copies. As you can see, you have to fill in a Spanish address on the form. This is actually very strange, because you can only buy or rent something in Spain when you have a NIE. What you have to do in this case is ask acquaintances, your employer, your real estate agent or for example your lawyer in Spain if you can use their address temporarily so that you can hand in the form.
Required forms
You will need some documents for your application. As mentioned before, it is EX15 form, plus a copy of it. Preferably twice. The best thing to do is to bring a form already filled in. You also need to have a 790-012 fill out the form. You can download the forms online by clicking on the link. Take these with you to the bank to pay the fees. After you have paid and the bank has filled out and signed the rest of the form, you can report back to the CNP.
For this appointment, don't forget to bring a valid passport/ID card and 2 passport photos. They will also take your fingerprints on the spot. They need this as proof. You must also sign the documents on the spot. Here you can make an appointment online at the CNP.
Assistance with making an appointment at the CNP
- If all goes well, you are now online on the Sede electrónica website. You will also see a menu with a list. In this list, you must check the province in which you want to apply for a NIE. Then click on 'aceptar'.
- Now you have to choose from the menu what you want to make an appointment for. In this case you want to apply for a NIE, so you have to click on 'Policia-Asignación de NIE'. Then click on 'aceptar' again.
- Now you will see a page with the conditions (requisitos) that you have to meet. You will also see a list of the required documents. Click on 'entrar' at the bottom of the page.
- Now you have to fill in some things. First click on 'pasaporte'. Now a gray block will appear with all kinds of extra information. Here it only says that you have to fill in everything correctly and enter your document number without spaces. Fill in everything correctly and then click on 'aceptar' again.
- On the new page you will see the details you have filled in and you can choose from 4 options. In this case you have to click on 'solicitar cita' (make an appointment).
- Now you need to choose 'Comisaría del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (CNP)'. Then click on 'siguente' (next).
- Now fill in the requested information and click on 'accept'.
- Now you have to check the date on which you want an appointment. Then click on 'siguente' again. Sometimes it happens that there are no available times and offices are temporarily closed. You do not have to worry about this, because then you can simply choose another CNP. Is everything arranged on this page? Then click on 'siguente' again.
- You will now see an overview of all the data and information you have entered about your appointment. Check everything again to be sure and if it is all correct, check 'Estoy conforme con al información mostrada en pantalla' and then 'Deseo recibir un correco e-mail con los datos de mi cita en la dirección que he proporcionado'. With these two check marks you indicate that you agree with all the information and that you also want to receive confirmation of this by email. Click on 'confirmar' at the end.
- You have now made an appointment. As previously indicated, you will receive an email about this in your inbox, but you would be wise to make a screenshot of this page to be sure. You will also see the 'justificante de cita' at the top of the screen, the number of your appointment. Can't make a screenshot? Then write down this number and keep it safe.
Assistance with completing form 790-012
Go to the website:
Is the website loaded? Then fill in your passport number without spaces at NIF/NIE. You have to fill in your passport number, because you do not have a NIE yet and the NIF is for the Spanish themselves. Then you get a small section with your data:
- Surnames and name – Last name and name (if it is for a company) Then fill in ''razón social''.
- Home on the road – Street
- Plaza – Square
- Nombre de la vía pública – Street name
- Núm – House number
- Escalea/piso/puerto – Additions, such as floor or door
- Telephone – Phone number
- Municipality – City
- Province – Province
- Postal Code – Postcode
At the heading AUTOLIQUIDACIÓN you don't have to do anything, you can skip this. Now go to 'Asignación de número de identidad de extranjero NIE a instancia del interesado' and check this box. At DECLARANTE you fill in the city and next to it the date.
At 'Ingreso' it says 'Importe Euros' and you see the amount you have to pay. At 'forma de pago' choose EN EFECTIVO (cash) payment. Now click on 'descargar impreso rellenado' so you can print out the form.
When will you receive the requested NIE number?
You will receive your NIE in Spain after about 30 days and then you can finally arrange all your affairs.
As you have read, you need the NIE number in Spain for almost all your affairs. Therefore, make sure you arrange this properly. Do you have any questions regarding your emigration to Spain? Then take a look around our website to read the other articles.