Perhaps you are moving of your own accord or you are being seconded abroad. You should be aware that each country has its own healthcare system. Many people think that European countries have the same healthcare system. Unfortunately, this is not the case. For example, the United Kingdom has a completely different system than Switzerland and the country you are moving to, Denmark, has a completely different system. So are you going to or do you wish to emigrate to Denmark? Then read on quickly.
What do you need to know about insurance in your new country of residence?
When moving abroad, it is very important that you know what to do regarding the health insurance in the country. Is there social security? Do you have to take out your own health insurance if you are going to work there? Do you perhaps need international health insurance? For answers to these questions and more, you can read this article. One thing we can tell you in advance is that the health insurance in Denmark is very well organized and the medical costs are also a lot better than in the Netherlands.
Health care in Denmark
Social security in Denmark is very well organised. The inhabitants of Denmark can therefore make good use of these social benefits. For example, health care in the country is almost free. The Ministry of Health in Denmark controls the system, but the policy is implemented regionally by the provinces themselves. How is all this paid for, you might wonder? It is very simple. It is paid for by means of taxes.
How can I get insurance in Denmark?
All residents of Denmark are entitled to medical care. But only after you have a CPR number and have also received the health insurance card. The municipality will send you this card after you have registered. You must always have this yellow card with you, because you must be able to show it when you need care.
General Practitioners in Denmark
When you register as a resident at the town hall, you can also choose your family doctor. The details of your family doctor will also be stated on your health insurance card. If you need care from a specialist, your family doctor must refer you.
First aid
There is a special number you can call if you need a GP after 4pm, during the weekends or on public holidays. This number varies by region, but you can easily look it up online. If you need emergency help, you must first call '1813'. They must give you permission to visit the emergency room in the hospital. If they do not give you permission to visit, you will receive medical advice by telephone. Actually a bit like the GP post in the Netherlands.
Hospitals in Denmark
In Denmark you have the freedom to choose which hospital you want to go to. In Denmark there are good hospitals and clinics in the big cities, but also in the smaller cities. The standard of health care in Denmark is also very high and most people, including the doctors in the hospital, speak English. If you need more information regarding hospital visits, it is best to contact your family doctor.
Dentists in Denmark
In Denmark, the dentist is free until you are 18. In Denmark, the dentist also does a six-monthly check-up. School-age children are automatically notified when they have another visit to the dentist planned. This is done via the school. Are you 18 or older? Then the dentist is unfortunately no longer free. The government still pays 40% of your dental costs. For young people up to 25, the state even pays up to 65% of the costs.
Medicines in Denmark
In Denmark, you can also buy medicines in supermarkets or petrol stations. Other medicines that are only available on prescription can only be picked up at the pharmacy. These medicines are often a bit more expensive, but fortunately most medicines are also largely reimbursed by health insurance in Denmark.
Your Dutch health insurance
When you move abroad, you are required to cancel your health insurance with your Dutch health insurer. You are no longer living in the Netherlands, so you no longer need to be insured here. You are responsible for cancelling your insurance in the Netherlands, so make sure you arrange this properly.
How do you cancel your Dutch health insurance?
Most health insurers can provide you with an emigration form, which you must complete and return. For more information about cancelling your health insurance, it is best to contact your own health insurer so that they can help you further.
And what if you receive benefits?
If you receive benefits in the Netherlands, it is good to take into account the fact that you may not be able to take them with you abroad. Fortunately, the rules are somewhat more flexible if you move within the European Union (EU), EEA (European Economic Area) or Switzerland. In your case, this is certainly good, because Denmark is of course a member state of the EU.
However, there are benefits where it is already certain that they cannot be taken to another country. Here are some examples:
- If you receive benefits based on the Participation Act or other assistance schemes
- When you receive benefits based on the Allowances Act
Exception to the Wajong benefit
A Wajong benefit may not officially be taken with you either, but there are exceptions to this. Do you receive a Wajong benefit and do you still want to take it with you abroad? Then it is best to contact the UWVThey can look at your personal situation and therefore help you well.
Are you allowed to take unemployment benefits with you abroad?
You can take an unemployment benefit with you to a country. This is only possible within the EU, EEA and Switzerland. It is also good to know that you can only take the WW benefit with you for a maximum of 3 months. For more information about this, it is best to contact the UWV.
What about your pension in Denmark?
In addition to properly arranging any benefits and your health insurance, it is also good to look at your pension. You may already receive it or you may only receive it later in the future, but it is still wise to look at this carefully.
You can request information about your pension from your own pension fund or you can contact the Social Insurance Bank. Both parties can help you further by looking at your situation. They need to know a number of factors. For example, how long you have lived in the Netherlands or how long you have worked for a Dutch employer. And to which country you are moving. For example, they can see whether you are entitled to your entire pension or to a part of it. It also does not matter whether you are already receiving a pension or are retiring later. Ask everything carefully so that you are sure that you will be in good hands!
Emigrating is fun, but as you have read, it does require some preparation. What is nice to know is that there are also many advantages to emigrating to Denmark. Just look at the big differences between health care in both countries. For many emigrating Dutch people, the attractive social security in Denmark is a very important aspect for their emigration.
Do you have any questions?
Are there any other questions you have regarding moving to Denmark? Then you might also want to read our other articles on the website. The more you read about moving to Denmark the better you will know what to expect.