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Apply for a NIF number in Portugal

You have already moved to Portugal or are going to move and during your search you keep coming across the word NIF number (NIF número de identificação fiscal) or sometimes also called número de contribuinte.

You're probably thinking, what the hell is that? It's a unique and personal tax identification number in Portugal. Are you going to emigrate to Portugal and do you need help? In this article we will explain it to you.

Are you required to apply for a NIF number?

You are required to have this, because you need this number for your taxes. Actually a bit like your Dutch BSN number.

You may have heard of the well-known NIE number in Spain before. It is actually a bit the same, only the number in Portugal is also for the Portuguese and not like in Spain only for foreigners.

What do you need the NIF number for?

As explained earlier, the NIF number is a fiscal identification number in Portugal. You will need this number if you are going to stay in Portugal for a long period of time.

You must provide this number when purchasing real estate or when you want to rent a home or buy real estate, because you obviously need a home.

Even for small things like signing up for utilities, or disconnecting from the internet.

NIF number and other matters

It is also necessary for smaller things, such as taking out a telephone subscription or opening a Portuguese bank account.

NIF number and messages

It can even happen that they ask for your NIF in the supermarket. This is necessary because you can declare 35% of your expenses to the tax authorities. These are then deductible costs.

In short, it is a number that you use for everything. And getting this number is a small effort.

How do you apply for a NIF number?

To start the application for a NIF number on time, you can already apply for it in the Netherlands. This is because a Dutch address is also valid.

Proof of your residential address

However, you must provide proof that it is actually your residential address in the Netherlands. You can use a payslip or perhaps a letter from the Dutch tax authorities, which states your name and address.

Apply for NIF at Finanças

In Portugal you have the Finanças. These are offices where you can go for taxes and similar services, so you can also go there with things about your NIF number, because in the end it is of course also a kind of tax number.

Apply for NIF at the town hall

You can also arrange your NIF affairs through the civil affairs department at the town hall in Portugal.

Please make sure that you make an appointment for the correct department.

What documents do I need for the application?

As previously indicated, you will need proof of your address and of course you should not forget your passport or identity card.

Golden tip!

It is also wise to arrive about 15 minutes early for your appointment, as it can be a busy affair with many people.

NIF document

Once it is your turn, explain what you are here for and hand over the documents to the employee.

You are not obliged to provide a reason for requesting a NIF, but if they ask for it you can indicate that you need it, for example, to open a Portuguese bank account.

Once all documents have been checked and the application has been completed, you will immediately receive a document with your own personal NIF number.

Via Verde toll

Once you have arranged everything and finally opened a Portuguese bank account, you can purchase a Via Verde box for your car.

Via Verde is the company in Portugal that arranges all tolls in the country.

It is useful to have such a box, because then you can simply continue driving at the toll booths and the amount will be automatically debited from your account.

Advantage toll box

If you don't have a locker, you'll have to pay cash every time or have a Multibanco card.

This is due to the fact that Multibanco has the monopoly in Portugal. Therefore, many counters will not accept other cards and you often cannot complete the transaction with another card.

Don't want a toll box?

If you don't want a toll box and you have a Multibanco card, it is wise to always have cash on you, because otherwise you are unfortunately asking for trouble!


So it is very important that you have a NIF number. So make sure that you arrange this properly.
