When you have a move planned, this can cause a lot of stress. Especially the costs can give you a lot of headaches. That is why we understand better than anyone if you want to save money. This can be on the move itself, but of course also on other things. Fortunately, a professional move does not have to be very expensive these days. Whether it is large or small moves, there are enough moving companies in the Netherlands that will move you to your new home at competitive prices.
You are moving with students
If you want to save on costs, it might be wise to look into a student move. No, this is not a move to a new student room and no, this does not involve children leaving the parental home. This involves student movers who can move you to your new destination at competitive rates. Inquire about this carefully, because if you switch at the last minute, it may not be as advantageous.
Why choose certified movers?
A student who is employed by a professional moving company is not only very flexible and cheap, but is of course also well trained. The students can make your move go smoothly without any problems. They are trained to guide your move in the right direction. Some can even drive a moving lift and this can also save you a lot of hassle. It is also good to know that the students are not only active in the big cities of the Netherlands, but that you can also hire them outside the Randstad. Of course, everyone can use some help.
Student relocations, now also international
Students not only move individuals within the Netherlands, but many moving companies have also chosen to use students for international moves in recent years. This is due to the fact that the students are not only well-educated, but are also experienced movers.
Request a free quote from Moova
Want to know how much it costs to have your belongings moved by students? Then you can contact Moova request free quotes. You will receive the free quotes in your mailbox within 24 hours.