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Working in France

Many Dutch people have traditionally moved to France, but living in France also means working in France. Emigrating abroad is of course already very exciting, but when you also have to look for a job, this will make the whole process much more exciting. But how is it going to work in France … Read more

Buying a house in France

Many Dutch people have traditionally gone on holiday to France. It is also because of this that many people fall in love with French life, French houses and the French themselves. That is why people often decide to buy a French home there. This can be an apartment when choosing … Read more

Moving to France

Moving abroad is a big step. Not only for the emigrating Dutch, but also for their environment. Everyone wonders whether it will all work out. And what exactly are you going to do there? Are you not going to miss the Netherlands? However, it is a decision that has been thought about for a long time … Read more

Living in France

Living in France. Who hasn't dreamed of this before during a holiday in sunny France? Just pack your things and move to France. For many Dutch people, France is not only a popular holiday destination, but also a popular emigration destination. There are many reasons for this and we will discuss them in this article. … Read more

Moving to France: health insurance

Healthcare in France is very well organised. This is of course reassuring if you are going to move to France soon. Medical care is of course something to think about carefully. What is extra reassuring to know is that according to the World Health Organization, France has excellent healthcare. Do you want more … Read more

Moving to France: pros and cons

France is not only a popular holiday destination for the Dutch, but also a popular destination for the Dutch who want to emigrate. Are you going to emigrate to France? Some Dutch people do not yet take the step to live in France right away, but often first buy a second home where they can spend the summer. In this way, they can sometimes … Read more

Moving to France during Corona

You want to move to beautiful France, but still corona is a concern that blocks your plans. Do you actually still want to move to France? How is the French government dealing with corona and what is the situation like in France today? These are of course logical questions and with this article we want to … Read more

Moving to France: what to do?

France, traditionally a popular holiday destination for the Dutch. Who doesn't see all those caravans/campers leaving for France every year? All French campsites are full of Dutch people in the summer and so we see: France remains a favourite holiday destination for us Dutch people. Maybe you are also someone who is always on holiday ... Read more
