Moving abroad is a big step. Not only for the emigrating Dutch, but also for their environment. Everyone wonders whether it will all work out. And what exactly are you going to do there? Are you not going to miss the Netherlands? However, it is a decision that has been thought about for a long time. People who emigrate often spend years preparing for their emigration. You probably do too. Before the news is shared with friends, family and acquaintances, it has often been thought about for years. It is not a departure abroad for a longer period of time or a visit to a holiday home. You are actually going to live there and this requires the necessary preparation. Also the mental one. For example, have you already thought about an affordable removal company?
Can you just emigrate to France?
As you may have read before, emigration does require some preparation. But what exactly do you need to arrange? You are going to emigrate to beautiful France. This is a country within the European Union (EU) and if you are going to live there, it will not be that difficult, right? Yes, moving to France is a lot easier than if you are going to live in a country that is not part of the EU. However, this does not mean that you do not have to do anything. There are a number of factors that you really need to look at and that you need to have arranged for them. We know how important all this is and that is why we have tried to help you with this article. Hopefully we can help you find your way around the world of emigrating to France.
Living in France
France is a popular holiday destination for the Dutch. That is why it is also a popular destination for emigrating Dutch people. We can think of many reasons why someone would want to move to France. Of course, the pleasant climate and the French cuisine play a major role in this, but when you are really going to move, you should of course look further than just beautiful France. The country will be your new place of residence. Therefore, try to do good research into the political stability of the country, how the healthcare system is organised. When doing your research, do not forget to look at the tax in France and how it is organised. These kinds of things are always organised differently abroad than in the Netherlands.
Golden tip: the language
French can still be a difficult language to learn for some. When you are in France you will notice that it is really necessary to be able to speak French. People in the country do not speak English very well and even if they do speak English.. French is always preferred. Therefore, try to learn to speak a little French in advance. Perhaps you have already taken French lessons and have a basic knowledge of the French language. If this is the case, you will notice that when you move to France you will also experience fewer problems with your emigration. In France you will eventually build your own life and this naturally includes new contacts and relationships where there is a big chance that they do not speak English. Therefore, prepare yourself well.
International moving
Moving to France of course means moving internationally. You are going to emigrate and we assume that you want to move all your belongings with you. This is of course more than logical. For an international move, it is wise to look for international moving companies. These are moving companies that have the necessary experience with moving abroad and can therefore help you well with this. An international moving company knows what they or you need to arrange for the move and so the move will go smoothly and without any problems. In France you can easily start your new life without too much trouble.
Moving costs of an international move
Moving costs can vary greatly and it often depends on the personal situation of the customer how much a move will cost. Such international moving companies must, for example, take into account what you want, but they must also look at what is possible. In this case, the size of your belongings, how many moving vans are needed for this and what type of home you live in must be taken into account. In this way, it can be seen what is needed to be able to move your belongings to France quickly. As mentioned earlier, your wishes must also be taken into account. Do you want to pack the belongings yourself or do you hire a packing/unpacking service? Do you want to hire a moving lift or do you think that everything can be moved via the stairwell? Do you need extra movers? Sometimes people choose to temporarily store their belongings in a storage facility and not take them with them to their new home immediately. These are all common wishes and situations of customers. If you have any other matters that you would like more information about, it is wise to contact the moving company so that you do not encounter any surprises later on.
Request free quotes
We understand that you would rather have an overview of the average costs or even an exact price calculation. It is best to request free quotes from various moving companies. This way you can form an idea for yourself of how much it can all cost approximately.
We understand that you may not have the time to call or email different moving companies to request a quote. That is why we at Moova have come up with a solution for you. On our website you can easily request no-obligation quotes from different moving companies. This is quick and you can do it in no time. After this, you will receive the free quotes and you can take your time to see which moving company is best for you to hire.
Working in France
Maybe you have already found a job in Paris or in one of the other French cities and that is the reason you want to move to France. Maybe you have not been able to find a new job at all and you need to do this as soon as possible. Looking for a job abroad does mean that you need to be aware of a number of things, because it is of course not the Netherlands and the work culture is also different.
Do you need special documents to work in France?
As explained earlier, France is part of the EU and as a Dutch citizen you do not need to be in possession of special papers or documents. In the EU there is free movement of workers. Therefore you do not need to apply for a work permit.
Looking for work in France
When you speak French, finding a job will of course be a lot easier, but can you actually find a job in France? There are many different ways to do this.
Employment office: Pôle-Emploi
You can register as a job seeker at the employment office, also called the Pôle-Emploi. The office of Pole Employment are available throughout France. However, you must meet certain requirements when you register. First, you must be able to prove that you live in France, you need valid identification and you must have a French bank account.
Employment agencies
You can also register with employment agencies. This can be for full-time work, but also for temporary work. They can then help you find work within the region in which you live. There is also a well-known office called Association pour l'Emplooi des Cadres (APAC). This agency is specifically committed to highly educated people.
The Internet
Of course, you also have the internet. For example, on the French Indeed, LinkedIn or The Local you can not only leave your CV for employers, but you can also apply for vacancies that appeal to you most.
The corporate culture in France
France and the Netherlands are very different when it comes to corporate culture. In France, there is still a great deal of hierarchical distance between employers and employees. This is also something you will immediately notice on the work floor in France. Especially because we Dutch are of course not used to this at all. The French will also always wait and see in the beginning and will mainly talk about the weather and small talk. It is not polite to come 'to the point' in France right away.
Emigrating to France: benefits and pension
It is important that you take a good look at any benefits or AOW pension you may have accrued in the Netherlands.
It is the case that you are not always entitled to benefits abroad. Unfortunately, it is also not the case that you can just leave. France does not just pay you benefits either and you may soon be without income if it turns out that you are not entitled to your benefits abroad. Therefore, always contact the UWV or the relevant municipality in advance to arrange this properly in advance.
The rules regarding your Dutch AOW can also be best inquired at the Social Insurance Bank. It is also best to do this before you leave for France so that you will not encounter any problems. It is often the case that your AOW pension and income support AOW will be retained when emigrating to France, but you must meet the conditions. Therefore, check this carefully.
Important matters: travel documents
When you travel outside the EU, your travel documents must be valid for at least three months. Fortunately, France is a member of the EU and in your case there is no minimum validity period attached to your documents. However, it is important that you check the validity of important documents such as your passport, identity card or driving licence in the Netherlands. These are documents that you will need in France to ensure that your emigration runs smoothly. At the start of your emigration, you will of course not have time to apply for new documents at the Dutch embassy. Furthermore, you are often also required to hand over these documents when, for example, buying a house or when you start working in France.
During job interviews, the French often ask for any diplomas. That is why it is useful to take your diplomas with you to France. Would you rather take your extract with you? Then you can always easily find it on the website of DUO to request.
Another advantage of emigrating to France is their world-renowned healthcare system. We are almost certain that you will not miss your health insurance in the Netherlands. Healthcare costs in France are also much lower compared to the Netherlands and the quality is also very high. Well arranged, right?
In the Netherlands, don't forget to cancel your health insurance and other insurance policies.
In this article we have tried to explain the practical tips for emigrating to France as concisely but clearly as possible. After all, you are moving to France and not just buying a second home. Have you put everything in order and are you really moving to France? Then we hope that you have found our handy tips useful, but we do advise you to do some further research into what is needed for your emigration.
Do you have any other questions?
Do you have any other questions regarding emigration to France? Then we would like to refer you to the other articles on our website. Did we forget to discuss something or would you rather speak to one of our employees? Then you can always contact us. Perhaps one of our employees can help you further so that you can move to France with peace of mind.