Healthcare in France is very well organised. This is of course reassuring if you are going to France is moving. Medical care is of course something to think about carefully. What is extra reassuring to know is that according to the World Health Organization France has excellent healthcare. Want to know more about French healthcare? Read this article quickly.
French Health Care
Just like in the Netherlands, health insurance is mandatory in France. The French government sees this as a right that you can use in various ways. After all, everyone has the right to medical care. In France, you can take out your health insurance through the government or through your employer. It is best to talk to your new employer in France about this to see what the best options are for you.
Accessibility of French healthcare
Some people cannot pay their health insurance premiums because of their low (no) income. This is not a problem in France, because the government will simply ensure that you remain insured. This is because the solidarity principle is very important in France and the French health care system is based on this.
The solidarity principle in this case means that all residents of the country are responsible for the costs of care and therefore bear this responsibility together. The solidarity principle also ensures that people who are often or chronically ill pay less premium. As a result, this group of people pays almost no medical costs.
The costs of basic insurance
The part of the population that can pay their health insurance normally has to pay this through their salary. This is 5% of your salary monthly that you then hand in. What you pay in premiums is also often supplemented by your employer.
Take out additional health insurance
The health insurance we discussed earlier is a basic insurance. In addition to this health insurance, you can also take out additional insurance. This is a private insurance that you can take out for, for example, dental costs, physiotherapy or other extras. The way this is arranged is very similar to how we have it arranged in the Netherlands. We must say that private insurance in France is much cheaper than in the Netherlands or even other European countries.
Own contribution
Even though the insurance is arranged by the government, nowadays a personal contribution is increasingly requested. The costs for this are very low. An example is that for a certain treatment in the hospital you then make a personal contribution of approximately €18. You then have to pay this amount yourself, because it is not reimbursed from your basic insurance. You will then be reimbursed if you have taken out additional insurance. This is also the reason that the majority of the French population takes out additional private insurance.
Dutch health insurance
If you are insured in the Netherlands with a Dutch health insurer, you are also insured in other European countries. This means that you are entitled to medical care in all countries of the European Union. However, you must then be in possession of an EHIC card. You can apply for this with your Dutch health insurer.
EHIC card and living abroad
Using an EHIC card is only in the case of vacation or for a stay of less than 3 months. If you are really going to emigrate, you will of course have to cancel your Dutch health insurance.
Own company in France
Of course, it depends on the type of business you choose in France, but you are often insured immediately. This can save you a lot on premiums on an annual basis. Check this carefully to see what you qualify for.
Practical information
In France you can choose your own GP and you can also change GPs as often as you like. Also, when you are referred to a hospital, you can choose which hospital you want to go to for your treatment.
Benefit/pension abroad
It is also good to know that if you still receive benefits or a pension in the Netherlands, the Dutch state is still responsible for you. The Dutch state is then obliged to continue paying for your healthcare costs.
France is a treaty country
However, you need to arrange things properly for this. Because we do not know your personal situation, it is best to contact the relevant organization so that you can arrange this properly. Do not forget to contact the College voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) in the Netherlands. This is the organization that arranges the payments, benefits and the healthcare costs you have incurred in the Netherlands.
Have you really decided to live in France? Then you have read that you should take into account the rules in the country and that you should make sure that you are well informed about the laws and regulations. You can also use our other articles on the website for more information.