France is not only a popular holiday destination for the Dutch, but also a popular destination for the Dutch who want to emigrate. Are you going emigrate to France? Some Dutch people do not yet take the step to live in France right away, but often first buy a second home where they can spend the summers. This way they can sometimes slowly get used to the idea of living in France.
Your own environment
But living in a country or going on holiday in a country are of course two very different things. You will often hear this from your environment when you tell them about your plans. What they do not know is that a move abroad has often been thought about for years and that it has been thought about sufficiently up to the moment of saying it.
Do you need help?
Are you also someone who is thinking about emigrating to France or are you the person who has already thought enough and are you really going to take the step now? Then we understand that you sometimes need some support with this. That is why we have tried to list a few things for you in this article. Of course, our advantages or disadvantages are not yours, but this way you can form an image for yourself.
Do you really want to move to France?
Of course, it is not without reason that France is so popular among Dutch people who move abroad. This has to do with various factors. We would like to discuss these factors in this article. Furthermore, we do not only want to discuss the advantages, but also the disadvantages. This is because it is simply very important to weigh all the pros and cons against each other when moving abroad.
Are you absolutely sure?
As you may have read before, in this article we will discuss the pros and cons to give you the best possible picture of your emigration to France. It is a big step, so if you still have doubts, we completely understand. Moving abroad and leaving your life in the Netherlands behind is of course not something to take lightly. So just think about it carefully.
Benefits of living in France
Of course, we'll start with the benefits first, so read on:
The weather
This is of course the first thing that comes to mind when people think of other countries. When you live in France, you will always be able to enjoy the weather and the sun. Of course, it also depends on where you are going to live in France. If you take the Côte d'Azur as an example, the sun shines there about 300 days a year! This means that you can enjoy a kind of nice spring feeling there in the winter months. However, the Côte d'Azur is located in the south of France where the climate is slightly nicer than in the north of the country. In the north of France, the sun shines a lot less and there is also a lot more rain. The winters are therefore a lot colder there than in the south of the country. And people often want nice weather and sun when they move abroad.
The nature
In the Netherlands we also enjoy nature, but that is different. A day at the beach or a day in the forest to walk means that the whole of the Netherlands does that too. And of course the Netherlands is not very big. This means that we are always stuck in traffic or encounter hordes of people because of the crowds on the beach or in nature reserves. In France you will not experience this so quickly. The country is so big and there is still so much nature to discover. You can simply discover this in France without encountering a single person.
France has beautiful mountains, valleys and lakes. Don't forget the south of the country with its beautiful beaches.
You are always close to the Netherlands
Another advantage of emigrating to France is that it is close to the Netherlands. This means that your family and friends from the Netherlands will always be close by. This way they can always visit you and if not, you can always go back to the Netherlands.
The food
The French are a very proud people and one thing they are very proud of is the French cuisine. Often the products come fresh from the countryside and the total supply of vegetables and fruit is therefore enormous. In all villages you will find markets where you can buy these fresh products. In the French cuisine, seasonal products and local ingredients are often used. Furthermore, in the French culture, family is very important and they often come together, including friends and good bottles of wine.
Health insurance
The quality of care in France is very high. French health care is based on the principle of solidarity. This means that all residents of France are responsible for the costs of care. The French government finds it very important that people who do not work will also have the right to care.
Working French people pay their premium monthly by handing in 5% of their salary. The rest of your premium is supplemented by your employer. When you compare this with your healthcare costs in the Netherlands, you will of course see a big difference. Healthcare costs in France are simply a lot lower than in the Netherlands.
Disadvantages of living in France
Now that we have discussed a number of advantages, we will now discuss the disadvantages as promised. After you have also read the disadvantages, you can make a good assessment for yourself. Perhaps there are things that you have not thought about before.
Many people who move to France eventually suffer from it a little bit. Homesickness. This is completely normal and one will suffer more from it than the other. As a foreigner you can feel very lonely in the beginning and once you start living in another country you will of course have to get used to everything first. So take your time with this.
The French language
The French language is known to be a difficult language. So have you found your dream house in France and do you want to make your dream come true? Then it is wise to first learn to speak a little French. The level of the English language in France is very low. Especially in the countryside or in the south, for example on the Côte d'Azur, there is hardly any English spoken. The level of English in France is somewhat comparable to other southern European countries. So make sure you have a basic knowledge of the language so that you can have conversations and meet new people.
The French language and getting your affairs in order
Furthermore, it is of course not only important to learn the language to get to know people, but also to be able to arrange your affairs with various authorities. Think for example of the French tax authorities. At such a French tax office they will hardly be able to speak English and if you do not have a basic knowledge of French it is very difficult to communicate. In this way you will of course not be able to arrange your affairs properly and there is a big chance that you will encounter unnecessary problems due to the language barrier. Maybe you already have friends or acquaintances in France? Or maybe you already know the new nice neighbours? Then of course you always have the possibility to ask someone in your new circle for advice or help.
The French
France, like the Netherlands, consists of many different people and that is why we cannot assume prejudices. The truth about French people will ultimately lie somewhere in the middle. Many Dutch people only know French people from tourist places and you cannot use these busy places as a benchmark. French people are known abroad for being gruff and short. While there are of course also just friendly French people.
Cultural difference
What is different from the Netherlands is that French people are a bit more closed than Dutch people. This can be quite difficult for a Dutch person and you have to take this into account when you emigrate to France. You also have to take into account that French people often do not speak English. The language in combination with the closed culture will make it very difficult to enter into relationships with people. Nevertheless, try to do this, because when moving to another country it is very important that you quickly make friends and relationships. This is not only important for your mental well-being, but it will also help you with your integration.
The French in the big cities
In the big cities, people are of course less closed and they are used to meeting foreigners. In a big city, it will all be a bit easier. Furthermore, the French come across as very closed, because they simply do not like to air their dirty laundry in public, which we in the Netherlands do a bit quicker. This is a small cultural difference.
Personal situation
Building a new life is simply very difficult and to what extent and how quickly you will be accepted also depends on yourself. Do you already speak a little French and are you prepared to integrate as quickly as possible? Then the French will be positively surprised and will start a conversation with you more quickly. A golden tip is to give the French time to get to know you. As you have read before, the French are quite a closed people, but once they have gotten to know you, you will notice that they are sweet and warm people.
International moving companies
Moving to France of course means that you have to plan an international move. You want to move your belongings safely. Make sure that you hire a moving company that specializes in international moves. The Netherlands has many moving companies that can help you with this. Therefore, first look around the moving world and see which companies specialize in this.
Costs of moving to France
The average cost of a move is very difficult to estimate. This is because moves are different and therefore the number of factors that determine the prices are also different for each move. When you move, a moving company will look at what is needed to be able to carry out the move in the right way. For example, the company will look at the size of your belongings, the size of your house and the accessibility of your home. This way they know exactly how many movers they need and whether large moving vans are needed. The accessibility of the homes is important, because a city is easier to reach than when you have to be far from civilization. Furthermore, your wishes are of course also important. Do you need extra services? For example, do you want to hire a packing/unpacking service? Do you need extra movers? These are some examples that can increase or decrease the price of your move.
International moving companies can help you well and will also take your wishes into account. This way your belongings will arrive safe and sound.
Request free quotes
The best thing you can do is request quotes from different moving companies. Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages to this. Firstly, you probably don't have time to call all the moving companies and secondly, you have to be careful. With many companies, when you request a quote, you can suddenly be stuck with an agreement while this is of course not the intention at all.
Compare moving quotes
For the aforementioned problems, we at Moova have found a solution. We understand that you are looking for an international moving company that can help you well, but of course offers you the best prices. We also understand that you do not have time to call or email different international moving companies to request a quote.
What is Moova's solution now? With us, you can request various free and non-binding quotes on our website with one click. This means that you are not committed to anything until you choose this yourself. This way, you will quickly receive the quotes, you can compare them and when you know which company will be a lot cheaper, you can enter into an agreement. In this way, Moova tries to make your move easier.
As you have read, there are advantages and disadvantages of emigrating to France. But an advantage for us does not have to be an advantage for you and vice versa. That is why it is important that you look carefully at your own situation, needs and expectations so that you can think about this important step in your life. Have you done this and also prepared yourself well? Then you can start your move abroad and we wish you much success!
Do you have any questions?
Are there things you want to know that we have not discussed in this article? Then you can always consult the other articles on our website. We do not only have articles online about moving to France, but also to other countries within the European Union.