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Moving to Switzerland: health insurance

When you live abroad you still want to be well insured. When you move to Switzerland you really don't have to worry about anything, because the country has one of the best health care systems in the world. Are you going emigrate to Switzerland? Then read on quickly.

Health insurance in Switzerland

When you move to Switzerland, you are required to take out health insurance. This works the same way in the Netherlands. You are also required to insure yourself in the Netherlands. This mandatory health care system is called 'grunversicherung' in Switzerland. The country finances this via the insurance premiums in the country. The Swiss health care system is similar to the Dutch health care system, but Switzerland is also highly regarded worldwide in terms of health care.

The compulsory basic insurance

As previously stated, Switzerland has a mandatory basic insurance. This is just like your Dutch basic insurance. The coverage of this basic insurance is the same for all insurers in the country. But be careful, because there are huge price differences. Fortunately, you can choose a health insurer yourself in the canton where you live. A canton in Switzerland is just like a Dutch municipality.

Why the price differences?

This has to do with a number of factors. Some examples of this are that it depends on where you live, your age, the amount of the deductible and what type of insurance you take out. Furthermore, every insurer in Switzerland is obliged to accept you for a basic insurance and they may therefore not refuse you.

What is reimbursed?

These are doctor visits, prescription drugs, vaccinations and emergency care. Some alternative therapies are also covered. The Swiss government determines which costs are covered by the basic insurance.

The supplementary insurance

In addition to the mandatory basic insurance, you can also take out additional insurance. This is not mandatory. Here too, the differences between insurers are very large. Therefore, take a good look at the coverage they offer. With additional coverage, an insurer is not obliged to accept you and they may refuse you for this. This is in contrast to the basic insurance.

Is additional insurance mandatory?

Even though supplementary insurance is not mandatory in Switzerland, it is still wise to look into it. The basic insurance only covers the medical costs at the level of your own canton. Are you being treated somewhere else? Then you have to pay the price difference yourself. Sometimes there are exceptions where an insurer can give permission before the treatment and it is then reimbursed. Think for example of treatments that are not offered in your canton.

Accident insurance

When you go to work in Switzerland you have to pay attention. Some employers in Switzerland do not have accident insurance. If this is the case you are obliged to take out this yourself.

Medical expenses

The premium of health insurers differs not only per company, but also per canton. So take a good look at where you are going to live. That way you can take out the right health insurance. The costs for insurance in Switzerland are quite high. For the basic insurance you pay about €150 per month. This is for your insurance. Your health insurance does not apply to family members. You must take out separate insurance for them.

The deductible

For the price of the monthly premium in Switzerland, one would expect that everything would be reimbursed. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is a deductible of around €300 per year. You can increase your deductible just like with a Dutch health insurer to lower your monthly premium. Everyone over the age of 18 has a mandatory deductible.

Have you paid off the deductible?

Have you paid your own risk for the year in full? Then it is unfortunately not the case that everything is suddenly reimbursed. After this, the insurance will not pay the bills for more than 90%. The remainder, so 10%, you must then pay yourself. This is with a maximum of approximately €700 per year.


Furthermore, you need to insure yourself separately for the dentist. These costs can also increase, because this often costs around €150 extra. This is the amount that is added to your monthly premium for health insurance.

If you do not have dental insurance, the costs of a visit to the dentist can be very high, because this is also very expensive in Switzerland.


Are you pregnant? Then different rules apply to you. The medical costs for medical care related to your pregnancy are not covered by the deductible.

The Dutch health insurance

When you live in the Netherlands, you are of course insured in the Netherlands. However, when you emigrate, you can no longer remain insured in the Netherlands. When you emigrate, you are obliged to cancel your Dutch health insurance and take out Swiss health insurance.

A benefit

When you go to live abroad, you not only need to arrange your health insurance, but also any benefits or pension. Do you receive benefits? Then it is wise to contact the UWV/the municipality in question.

Your pension

For your pension, it is best to contact the Social Insurance Bank.


Do you have any other questions regarding your emigration to Switzerland? Then you can always consult the other articles on our website. Who knows, you might find the answer to your question there.
